Thursday, September 6, 2007

Week 1, Thing 2: Pointers from Lifelong Learners.

While viewing the 7 and 1/2 Lifelong Learning Habits, I realized how simple and difficult these statements could be. Developing a goal is easy - something we (or I) strive to do that everyday. Accepting Responsibility for your own learning can be easy and hard - as I struggled through school at young age and now learning that education should of been a blessing , not a struggle as it was in my case. I tend to face problems as challenges, trying to find solutions that will work out good or bad. To have confidence in oneself can be easy and difficult if you don't have good self belief or a foundation. Creating tools to help your learning is essential. I'm very crafty, so I do have lots of art tools. Building a learning tool box will take some time, but by using technology and other that will help build my tech tool box. Teaching and mentoring is a passion for me. I work with group of young people through my church and I find that uplifting and spiritual to see them explore and understand life around them. Play - well lets see what I can do about that. Here we go!

1 comment:

Jaye Holly said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of 23 Things! Enjoy your learning journey!
Jaye :)